Sunday, April 14, 2013

An Ode To Friendship and Technology

The iPhone 4 that i upgraded to for approximately 99 cents is one of the best presents I've ever gotten myself. I love, love, love the camera. And Instagram. And Instaframe. (you can follow me on Instagram @emilyvday. i wouldn't do it if you dislike pictures of flowers.) I also love having iTunes on my phone. It makes me way more likely to walk or take the bus to run my errands, which is excellent for my body and my wallet. 

Here are some of my favorite pictures of flowers that I took while creeping around Foggy Bottom/West End.

I took some pictures of two of my lovely friends today for something they were working on. One of them suggested this pose and I love how it came out. 

I'm so happy that I got to start my week off with quality girl time and good weather. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow! 

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