Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Thursdayish Wednesday

1. As of 8:19 AM, there have been no references made in this apartment to that stupid commercial with the camel going HUMP DAYYYYY.

2. I had the girls over for book club (we read Divergent!) and catching up on Monday night. It was all kinds of food and fun and awesome. I decided to gussy up our apartment with some pretty roses and spray roses for the occasion, and they are still blooming and making me smile.

3. I get to see my doctor today and hopefully she will give me the OK to slowly go back to work. All things considered, I think I am doing pretty well and I hope she does too. 

4. Finally fall weather?! Dude just walked out the door wearing an argyle sweater and it made my heart squish. It is 52 degrees outside. I'm a fan. 

5. I have been making a crazy amount of beaded/friendship bracelets since I had my surgery. Since I have what is politely termed "a restless mind," doing crafts and stuff with my hands is really soothing and fun for me. Here is the stack I wore to Dude's swearing in ceremony for the DC Bar. I am sure the DC Court of Appeals really appreciated it. (NOT) 

from left to right: Michael Kors rose gold watch, pink bracelet that I made, gold/gunmetal bracelet I made, Nepal beaded bracelet from South Moon Under (I have these in different colors and they are awesome), yellow bracelet that I made.

I'm thinking about opening a small Etsy shop and giving 50% of what I make to different aid organizations. One of my friends said the bracelets looked like something she would buy, so I might ask her over or to her neighborhood Starbucks--it's a really good one--to peruse what I've made thus far and offer feedback (no worries, K, I made lots more since Monday.) 

It's hard not to be a little excited when there's a chill (especially to my thin-blooded Florida self) in the air. Wishing you all a quick and easy Wednesday with limited amounts of the camel (unless you are in the repeat commercial viewing phase. I was there once, so no judgment.)

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