Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Year To Say Yes

"It was the summer of yes--that's what Isabella and Lauren decided. 'We're going to say yes to every invitation that comes our way,' they told each other. 'We're going to be positive, and put positive energy out there, and then we will meet someone.' Mary decided that she would be a spectator for the summer of yes. She was studying for the bar exam and made it clear that she couldn't say yes to anything."
- Girls In White Dresses

I turned 27 five days ago, and I have decided that I am going to do my best this year to say yes--not to everything, but to things I'm scared of or nervous about and things that I wouldn't normally do.

So far, it hasn't been that hard to say yes. I celebrated my birthday and Valentine's Day with Dude at a restaurant with a ten course tasting menu featuring things like spoonfuls of eucalyptus gel sprinkled with pink peppercorns. I am not a foodie at all, but overall, the meal was amazing. This past weekend, we went with friends to watch our alma mater, George Washington University, take on VCU in basketball. GW lost by a lot, but watching the game and being able to spend time over the weekend with our friends was awesome.

One of my favorite girlfriends recently forwarded information about a panel sponsored by the Levo League. As someone in sore need of career advice and networking (and someone who doesn't have the easiest time asking for advice or help), I knew it would be great for me to go.

So tonight, I will put on my fun and professional outfit, grab my business cards, and get myself out there. I may not be the person with the most insightful questions, but I'm looking forward to hearing and learning from some terrific women. And I will say yes to taking a small but important step to finding a career direction that I really love. What's a better gift to myself than that?

Panel Tote Essentials

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